The objectives of Felis Britannica, and its member clubs, are:
To continually work to improve the status of the cat in society
To establish good relationships and maintain good links with relevant government ministries, the media, veterinary institutions and animal welfare agencies
To actively work against any unsatisfactory mismanagement related to keeping cats
To keep a common registration database for associated clubs
To oversee the management and organisation of cat shows in the UK in accordance with the relevant FIFe show rules, and to publish rules relating to national show organisation.
To work towards a progressive, healthy, cat friendly breeding programme, in line with the FIFe standard, for each breed.
Not to participate in the breeding of cats where the offspring would not be entitled to registration.
To represent the UK cat fancy internationally
To unite and co-ordinate all Member Clubs for the betterment of the UK cat fancy as a whole, independently of each individual club in order to achieve recognition in the international cat fancy.
To promote the benefits of identity chipping for all cats.
Individuals do not join Felis Britannica directly – the clubs are members of the Federation. By joining and belonging to one of the federated full member clubs you are a member of FELIS BRITANNICA and also a FIFe member’s member.
Registrations are submitted via full member clubs, who will check the submission before passing it onto Felis Britannica. The federated clubs also handle validations, and organise shows.
Felis Britannica is the central registry, and will authorise licenses for all services – it is the umbrella organisation representing all its federated clubs to the FIFe, both on an ongoing basis and at the FIFe General Assembly.
Each club will represent its individual members and decisions within the federation will only be taken after a democratic ballot of the federated clubs. The Executive Committee manages Felis Britannica business on a day-to-day basis and is elected by the clubs and will be accountable to those clubs (and through them to the individual members).
FELIS BRITANNICA clubs run shows under the FIFe open doors policy (FIFe Show Rules, Annex 2). This means that you do NOT have to be a FIFe member in order to exhibit at a club show provided your cats are registered with a reputable registering organisation.
Meet the Clubs
There are two types of club membership with Felis Britannica:
Full Member Clubs will be the clubs that people will have to join in order to register/validate their pedigrees. Only Full Member clubs have a delegate at the Felis Britannica General Assembly, and therefore get to vote on Federation matters.
Affiliate Member Clubs gain the right to claim to be part of Felis Britannica, use the logo, are promoted by FB but do not participate directly in federation business.
An individual member may be a full member in one (1), and only one (1), Full Member Club ensuring that they have only one vote in federation matters and they must declare which club they are a full member in.
Individual members may be associate members in as many clubs (full or affiliate) as they wish. Individual associate members in all clubs will have voting rights on their own club’s internal matters, but may not participate in votes relating to federation business.
The following clubs have decided which tier they wish to belong to and the registration service they are happy with providing to their members at this time.